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Feed Quality

21    Bionaz, M.

17    Sulc, M.        
16    Brouk, M.    
16    Undersander, D.   
16    Weiss, W.    
15    Ferreira, G.    
14    Kononoff, P.    
14    Owens, F.    
13    Phillips, T.    
13    Weiss, W.    
12    Chase, L.    
12    Bucholtz, H.    
12    Weiss, W.    
11    Johnson    
11    Mertens    
10    Ward
09    Berger    

07    Garcia    
06    Bolsen    
04    Davis    
03    Doerr    
02    Woloshuk    
02    Bolsen    
00    Ward    
99    Chandler    
99    Sulc    
97    Bucholtz    
97    Sicilano-Jones    
96    Sulc    
95    DiCostanzo    
95    Weiss    

Feeding Spent Hemp Biomass to Dairy Cattle

Agronomic and Nutritional Attributes of Reduced Lignin Alfalfa
Designing Feeding Facilities to Maintain Feed Quality

On-Farm Assessment of Forage Quality
TMR Sampling: Valuable Excercise or a Random Number Generator?
Understanding the Effects of Drought Stress on Corn Silage Yield and Quality
Corn Ethanol: One Process But Many Products ... Do Cows Care?
New Technologies in Forage Varieties and Production
Managing Risks Associated with Feeding Aflatoxin Contaminated Feed
Effects of Variation in Nutrient Composition of Diets on Lactating Dairy Cows
Using Grass Forages in Dairy Cattle Rations
Key Points in Harvesting and Storing High Moisture Corn
Within Farm Variation in Nutrition Composition of Feeds
Growing and Harvesting High Quality Grasses for Dairy Cattle
Measurements of Forage Quality
Molds and Mycotoxins in Feeds Harvested in 2009
Storing Wet Grain Commodities
Storage of Wet Distillers Grains

Silage Management: Common Problems and Their Solutions

Changes in cereal grain by-products for dairy cattle

Effect of mycotoxins on ruminal bacteria & animal performance

Screening for mycotoxins

Bunker silo management: four important practices
Fermentation analysis: Use and interpretation
Effects of manufacturing on chemical composition of plant by-products
Update on predicting harvest time for alfalfa

Variability in chemical composition of commodities
Using in-situ data in ration formulation
Equations for predicting quality of alfalfa
Mycotoxins: what do we know, what can we do?

Assessing feed quality: sampling tech & interpretation of data

Feed Quality
Feeding Management
Feeding Management

23    Van Amburgh, M.


23    White, H.

22    Firkins, J.

21    Firkins, J.

19    Brito

17    Endres, M.    
17    Shoemaker, D.    
17    VanderSchuur, J.  


16    Cabrera, V.    
16    Pempek, J.    
16    Penner, G.    

16    Tricarico, J.    
16    VandeHaar, M.    
15    Oelberg, T.    
14    Soriano, F.    
14    VandeHaar, M.    
14    Weiss, W.    
13    Bethard, G.    
13    Huzzey, J.    
13    St-Pierre, N.    


13    Varga, G.    
11    Burgos- Zimbelman  

11    Hutjens
11    Rodenburg    
10    Bolton    
10    Erven    
10    McGuffey    
10    Weiss    

09    Allen
09    Bucholtz
09    Buckmaster
09    Jamison

09    Weiss
08    Casper    
08    Devries    
08    Donkin    
08    Pajor    


08    St-Pierre  

08    Stone    
07    Botheras    


07    Epley    
07    Knapp    

06    Schingoethe    
06    Thomas
06    VandeHaar    
05    Barmore    
05    Berger    
05    Bucholtz    
05    St-Pierre    
04    Dahl    
04    Robinson    
04    Ely    
04    Weiss    
04    Shaver    
03    Kononoff
03    Armentano

02    Firkins
02    Donkin
02    VandeHaar
02    Bucholtz
02    Barmore
02    Weiss
02    Hall
01    Allen
01    Weiss
01    Kung
01    Shaver
00    Hefner
00    St-Pierre
00    Beauchemin
99    Johnson/Schutz
99    Bucholtz
99    St-Pierre
99    Shinners
98    Kammel
98    Roseler
98    Combs
98    Cherney
97    Heinrichs

96    Eastridge/Bucholtz
96    Harrison
96    Weiss
95    Wallace
95    Woodford
95    VandeHaar
94    Lindquist
94    Johnson
94    Bucholtz
92    Bucholtz

Updates to the Cornell Net Carbohydrate System v7 and Updates to Ruminal Pool Characterizations and Requirements to Facilitate Feed Additives

 Feed Intake and Feed Efficiency: Can We Make More With Less?

Role of Isoacids to Enhance Rumen Function

Rumen Modifiers in Today's Dairy Rations

Breeding Dairy Cattle for Improved Feed Efficiency: An Overview

Feeding Cows in a Robotic Milking System

Variation in Feed Costs Among Dairy Farms
 There's Nothing Like First-Hand Evidence (Sherlock Holmes): The Cows Tell Us What's Happening
 Impact of Nutritional Grouping on the Economics of Dairy Production Efficiency 
Assessement of Feeding Management in the National Dairy FARM Program
  Influence of Microbial Ecology in the Rumen and Lower Gut on Production Efficiency of Dairy Cows

 Role of Dairy Cattle in Converting Feed to Food
 Understanding the Physiologicial Aspects to Improving Feed Efficiency in Dairy Cows 
Effective Outcomes of TMR Audits
 Managing Feed Inventories and Limiting Shrink 
 Opportunities for Improving Feed Efficiency  

Proper Sampling and Sampling Schedule Can Prevent Reduced Milk Yields

 Are You Efficiently Replacing Your Herd?
Effect of Stocking Density on Feeding Strategies and Health
Culling Rate on Dairy Farms and Its Effect on Income Over Feed Costs and Forage Inventory Requirements

Can We Use Residual Feed Intake to Enhance Dairy Production Efficiency?

 Feeding Strategies for High-Producing Dairy Cows During Periods of Elevated Heat and Humidity
Changes in Feeding Dairy Cows During the Last 20 Years and What's Ahead
Designing Feeding Systems for Robotic Milkers
Economics of Lactating Dairy Cow Grouping Strategies
Motivating the Feeder
What Major Ration Changes Occurred in 2009?

Feeding in Today's Economy

Grouping to Increase Milk Yield and Decrease Feed Costs
Changes in the Feeding of Dairy Cattle During the Past 36 Years
Optimizing Performance of TMR Mixers

Using Feedstuff Inventory Management and Feeding Management Software on the Dairy: Concepts and Tasks
Impact and Management of Variability in Feed and Diet Composition
Factors Affecting Feed Efficiency of Dairy Cows
Understanding Cow Behavior from a Nutritional Perspective
Feeding to Minimize Nutrient Requirements for Maintenance and Increase Milk Production
What is Affecting Housing Design and Other Management Practices - Economics or Animal Welfare
Managing Measures of Feed Costs: Benchmarking Physical and Economic Feed Efficiency
Considerations in Feed Bunk Management
The Feeding Behavior of Dairy Cows: Considerations to Improve Cow Welfare and Productivity
Optimizing the Use of Distillers Grains in Rations
Strategies for Diet Formulation with High Corn Prices

Can We Feed More Distillers Grains?
Field Responses to the Feeding of Rumensin
Update on Development of the Spartan Dairy Ration Evaluator/Balancer Version 3

Performance Monitoring of Dairy Nutrition and Feeding.
Covering Bunker Silos.
Feeding Practices of High-Producing Herds in Michigan.
New Version of SESAME.

Does milking frequency affect feeding behavior
Implications of grouping strategies on feeding dairy cows
How do I know if a change in the ration was beneficial
Fine tuning energy calculations
Feeding programs in high producing herds

New developments in TMR particle size measurement
Problems with sorting in TMR's  (need to print page 93 & 95 also)

Optimizing Rumen Fermentation
Rumen-protected choline: Potential for dairy cows
Energy & protein in the 2001 dairy NRC: Challenges for ration programs
New Feed Management Software
Fine-tuning the ration mixing and feeding of high producing herds
Relative Feed Value (RFV) of Forages for Dairy Cows: Critical Appraisal
Characteristics of manure: What do they mean

Dietary factors that affect dry matter intake
Assessing the merits of different corn hybrids for silage
Management guidelines during harvest and storage of silages
Prevention of displaced abomasum

Feeding management for cows entering a new herd
Estimating value of nutrients based on market prices of feedstuffs
Enzymes & direct fed microbials for dairy cows

Feeding practices of high-producing herds in IN, OH & MI
Communicating with the person mixing the feed
Evaluating changes in feeding programs
Forage harvester crop processors & other new hay & forage equipment

Design, selection and use of TMR mixers
Factors affecting dry matter intake of lactating dairy cows
Grain supplementation to grazing herds
Forages for dairy cattle: economical alternatives to alfalfa grass and corn

Using feed particle size in ration formulation
Effects of changes in feeding on income over feed cost
Handling and storage of wet commodities
When to use silage additives
Collection & interpretation of on farm data
Why some rations don't work
Optimum level of milk production-nutritional aspects
Trouble shooting problems
Maximizing dry matter intake
Monitoring dry matter intake
Techniques for evaluating rations & feeding programs

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