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Cantor, M. Colostrum Supplementation Beyond the First Feeding After Birth

Contreras, A. Assessing Transition Cow Health: Integrating Traditional and Novel Biomarkers

DeVries, A. Effect of Length of Lactation and Cow Longevity on Return Above Feed Costs

Drackley, J. Major Accomplishments in Calf Nutrition and Growth

Hristov, A. Practical Aspects of Reducing the Carbon Footprint by Dairy Farms Through Feeding

Krogstad, K. Giving Niacin Another Look - Does Timing of Supplementation Matter?

Lock, A. Feeding High Oleic Acid Soybeans to Lactating Dairy Cows

Neave, H. A New Look at Feeding Calves: Is Nursing the Dam a Possibility?

Newbold, J. Methane in the Context of Circular Dairy Farming

Reibman, A. and J. Boerman  Measuring What You Can See: Video Applications for Feeding Management

Van Amburgh, M. Feeding Management of Heifers from Weaning to Calving

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