
Brouk, M. Designing Efficient Feed Centers
Grunberg, W. Phosphorus Balance in Transition Dairy Cows:
What We Know and What We Don't
Hansen, S. Nutritional Strategies to Overcome Transit Stress
Jackson, J. Using Precision Technology to Assess Forage Yield and Quality
Langel, S. Passive Transfer of Maternal Immunity: A Comparative Immunology Viewpoint
Pempek, J. Feeding and Management of Surplus Dairy Calves
Van Amburgh, M. Updates to the Cornell Net Carbohydrate System v7 and Updates to Ruminal Pool Characterizations and Requirements to Facilitate Feed Additives
White, H. Feed Intake and Feed Efficiency: Can We Make More With Less?
Cantor, M. Colostrum Supplementation Beyond the First Feeding After Birth
Contreras, A. Assessing Transition Cow Health: Integrating Traditional and Novel Biomarkers
DeVries, A. Effect of Length of Lactation and Cow Longevity on Return Above Feed Costs
Drackley, J. Major Accomplishments in Calf Nutrition and Growth
Hristov, A. Practical Aspects of Reducing the Carbon Footprint by Dairy Farms Through Feeding
Krogstad, K. Giving Niacin Another Look - Does Timing of Supplementation Matter?
Lock, A. Feeding High Oleic Acid Soybeans to Lactating Dairy Cows
Neave, H. A New Look at Feeding Calves: Is Nursing the Dam a Possibility?
Newbold, J. Methane in the Context of Circular Dairy Farming
Reibman, A. and J. Boerman Measuring What You Can See: Video Applications for Feeding Management
Van Amburgh, M. Feeding Management of Heifers from Weaning to Calving
Bionaz, M. Feeding Spent Hemp Biomass to Dairy Cattle ​
Bradford, B. Minimizing Inflammation in Transition Cows​
Firkins, J. Rumen Modifiers in Today's Dairy Rations
Grant, R. A Tale of Two Fibers: Physically Effective and Undegradable Neutral Detergent Fiber and Their Interaction with Starch​
Lee, C. Nutrient Management from Feeds to Manure: Diet Manipulation to Alter Manure Outputs and Characteristics in Lactating Dairy Cows​
Neves, R. Impact of Subclinical Hypocalcemia on Dairy Cattle​
Randall, J. Survivorship, Shocks, and Feed Risk Management: Pre-, Peri-, and Post- (insert Black Swan event here)
Taysom, K. Starch Digestibility Metrics: Overhyped or Overfit?​
Weiss, B. Short Review of 30 Years of Advances in Dairy Cattle Nutrition​
Yohe, T. Recent Research on Rumen Development in Dairy Calves
Bradford, B. Lower Lignin Alfalfa: Updates on Agronomy and Feeding
Ferreira, Gonzalo Alternative Forages for Dairy Farming Systems
Firkins, J. Role of Isoacids to Enhance Rumen Function
Hanigan, M. What's New in the NRC for How We Formulate for Protein in Diets for Dairy Cattle?
Harvatine, K. Increasing Milk Fat Yield: Opportunities Beyond Fat Supplements
Knapp, J. Aiming for Net Zero on Dairy Farms: Nutrition and Management Approaches
Lee, C. Cautions and Considerations When Bioavailability of Rumen Protected Amino Acids is Determined
Shaver, R. Enogen Corn Hybrids Can Improve Feed Efficiency and Reduce Environmental Impact in Dairy Production
Tricarico, J. Sustainability: Dairy Scale for Good
VandeHaar, M. What's New in the NRC for How We Formulate for Energy in Diets for Dairy Cattle?
Weiss, B. NASEM 2021: What's New for Minerals and Vitamins for Dairy Cows
Boerman, J. Quantifying Protein Mobilization in Transition Dairy Cows
Brito, L. Breeding Dairy Cattle for Improved Feed Efficiency: An Overview
Contreras, A. Lipid Mobilization and Inflammation During the Transition Period
Creutzinger, K. Designing the Group Maternity Pen: Insights from the Cow's Perspective
Diaz, D. Prevention, Assessment, and Mitigation of Mycotoxicosis in Dairy Cattle
Enger, B. Contemplating the Energetic Consequences of Bovine Mastitis
Engstrom, M. Vitamin Supplementation for Lactating Dairy Cows: Industry Perspective
Ferraretto, L. Optimizing the Role of Starch as an Energy Source for Dairy Cows
Lock, A. Feeding Blends of Fatty Acids for Transition Cows
Tucker, C. Detecting Abating Heat Load in Dairy Cows
Weiss, B. Interactions Between Energy and Protein (Amino Acids) in Lactating Dairy Cows
Baumgard L.H. Energy Cost of Inflammation in Dairy Cows
Cardoso P. Amino Acid Nutrition During the Transition Period for Dairy Cows
Harvatine K. Seasonal Variation in Milk Composition
Kononoff P. Using Physically Adjusted NDF in Formulating Rations for Dairy Cows
Lock A. Understanding the Regulation of Milk Fat Synthesis and Its Potential Application in Herd Management
Mitloehner F. Emerging Issue: Environmental Sustainability of Dairy Farm Systems - Facts About Cows and Climate Change
Ruegg P. Emerging Issue: The Changing Nature of Mastitis and Mastitis Treatments
Vandehaar M. Nutrient Digestibility for High-Producing Dairy Cows: How Much Milk Can You Get From A Ration?
Weimer P. The Resilience of the Rumen Microbial Populations
Weiss B. Timely Topic: How Much Supplemental Vitamins do Cows Really Need?
Wenner B. Feeding the Rumen to Maximize Milk Components
Wiltbank M. Relationships Among Changes in Body Condition Score and Reproductive Efficiency in Lactating Dairy Cows
Armentano, L. Making Milk Protein: The Single Most Important Ingredient is EVERYTHING
Beede, D. Can We Differentiate Supplemental Magnesium Sources Nutritionally?
Britt, J. Dairy Farming in the Midwest and USA in 2067
Endres, M. Feeding Cows in a Robotic Milking System
Erdman, R. DCAD: It's Not Just for Dry Cows
Hall, M. B. Sugars in Dairy Cattle Rations
Hernandez, L. Novel Concepts Regarding Calcium Homeostasis During the Transition Period
James, R. Group Housing Systems for Calves, Facilities, Equipment, Protocols, and Personnel
Lock, A. Update on Fatty Acid Digestion and Metabolism and Impacts on Milk Production
Moraes, L. A New Approach for Calculating Metabolizable Protein Requirements by Lactating Dairy Cows
Schaefer, D. Feeding and Management of Dairy Steers
Shoemaker, D. Variation in Feed Costs Among Dairy Farms
Sulc, M. Agronomic and Nutritional Attributes of Reduced Lignin Alfalfa
VanderSchuur, J. There's Nothing Like First-Hand Evidence (Sherlock Holmes): The Cows Tell Us What's Happening
Barbano, D. Prediction of Blood Non-Esterified Fatty Acid and Fatty Acid Analysis of Individual Cow Milk Samples
Brouk, M. Designing Feeding Facilities to Maintain Feed Quality
Cabrera, V. Impact of Nutritional Grouping on the Economics of Dairy Production Efficiency
Grooms, D. Effects of the New Veterinary Feed Directive on Dairy Feeding Programs
Jenkins, T. What We Need to Know to Improve the Utilizations of Fat in Diets
Lee, C. Future Direction for Managing N and P on Dairy Farms
Pempek, J. Assessement of Feeding Management in the National Dairy FARM Program
Penner, G. Influence of Microbial Ecology in the Rumen and Lower Gut on Production Efficiency of Dairy Cows
Relling, A. Fetal Programming in Dairy Cattle
St-Pierre, N. Don't Drive Into Smoke: Evaluating Data
Stephenson, M. Changing Demand for Dairy Products and How This May Affect Dairy Production to the U.S.
Tricarico, J. Role of Dairy Cattle in Converting Feed to Food
Undersander, D. On-Farm Assessment of Forage Quality
VandeHaar, M. Understanding the Physiologicial Aspects to Improving Feed Efficiency in Dairy Cows
Weiss, W. TMR Sampling: Valuable Exercise or a Random Number Generator?
Bauman, D. An Updated Meta-Analysis of Bovine Somatotropin: Effects on Health and Welfare of Dairy Cows
Chebel, R. Grouping Strategies for Dry and Fresh Cows to Optimize Health and Performance
Combs, D. Relationship of NDF Digestibility to Animal Performance
Evans, E. Why All the Hype About Feeding Canola Meal?
Ferreira, G. Understanding the Effects of Drought Stress on Corn
Griswold, K. Current Knowledge of the Ruminal Fermentation System and What Can We Expect to Learn in the Future
Hanigan, M. Use of Milk Urea Nitrogen to Improve Nitrogen Efficiency and Reduce Environmental Impact of Dairy Cows
Jones, L. Gut Fill Revisited
Knapp, J. Dairy Sustaniability - Using the Real Facts
Midla, L. Using Decision Tree Analysis to Make Herd Management Decisions
Nennich, T. New Insights on Feeding Post-Weaned Dairy Heifers
Oelberg, T. Effective Outcomes of TMR Audits
O'Rourke, M. Labor Management on Dairy Farms: The Interface Between the Employer and Employee
Sellers, R. Update to the Food Safety Modernization Act
Weiss, W. Practical Recommendations for Trace Minerals for Lactating Dairy Cows
Ballou, M. Nutrition and Immunity of Pre-Weaned Dairy Calves
Baumgard, L. Feeding and Managing Cows to Minimize Heat
Daniels, K. What Do We Know About Rumen Development?
Eastridge, M. Variation in Milk Yield Within Dairy Herds
Hristov, A. Feeding Protein to Dairy Cows - What should be our target?
Kononoff, P. Corn Ethanol: One Process But Many Products ... Do Cows Care?
McGuffey, K. Progress on the 8th Edition of the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle
Owens, F. New Technologies in Forage Varities and Production
Plaizier, J. Minimizing the Risk for Rumen Acidosis
Proudfoot, K. Maternity Pen Design and Management From the
Sommer, C. Global Dairy Developments - An Overview on Milk Prices and Milk Production Costs World Wide
Soriano, F. Managing Feed Inventories and Limiting Shrink
VandeHaar, M. Opportunities for Improving Feed Efficiency
Waldron, M. Prescribed Feeding Prepartum for Improved Health
Weiss, W. Proper Sampling and Sampling Schedule Can Prevent Reduced Milk Yields
Bethard, G. Are You Efficiently Replacing Your Herd?
Garry, F. Why Cows Die on Dairy Farms
Huzzey, J. Effect of Stocking Density on Feeding Strategies and Health
Kinsel, M. Use of Mobile Device Technology in Dairy Data Management
Nydam, D. Monitoring Negative Energy Balance in Transition Dairy Cows for Herd Results
Oetzel, G. Minimizing Hypocalcemia During Early Lactation
Patton, R. Models for Estimating Duodenal Amino Acid Flow and Total Tract Starch Digestibility
Phillips, T. Managing Risks Associated with Feeding Aflatoxin Contaminated Grain
Schoonmaker, J. Effect of Maternal Nutrition on Calf Health and Growth
St-Pierre, N. Culling Rate on Dairy Farms and Its Effect on Income Over Feed Costs and Forage Inventory Requirements
Taysom, D. Laboratory Measurements of NDF and Starch Digestibility
Varga, G. Can We Use Residual Feed Intake to Enhance Dairy Production Efficiency?
Weakley, D. Improving Ruminal Digestibility
Weiss, W. Effects of Variation in Nutrient Composition of Diets on Lactating Dairy Cows
Barbano, D. Issues Related to Sampling and Analysis of Milk
Beede, D. What Can We Do About Water Quality?
Bradford, B. Nutrition and Immunity
Bucholtz, H. Key Points in Harvesting and Storing High Moisture
Chase, L. Using Grass Forages in Dairy Cattle Rations
Eastridge, M. Variation in Milk Fat of Fresh Cows
Harvatine, K. Circadian Patterns of Feed Intake and Milk Composition Variability
Lock, A. Bioactive Supplements for Relief of Milk Fat Depression: Do They Really Exist?
Nocek, J. Managing a Profitable Dairy Farm
Sellers, R. Food Modernization Act- What it Means to the Feed and Livestock Industries
Shaver, R. What's New With Corn Silage for Dairy Cattle?
Shoemaker, D. Advantages and Disadvatages of Homegrown Forages
Sipiorski, G. Today's Business World: Volatility, Uncertainty, and Opportunity
St-Pierre, N. Economic Value of Milk Components
Weber Nielsen, M. Management Tips for Calves Fed with Automated Milk Feeders
Allen, M. Mind Over Models
Botheras, N. Animal Welfare Issues - Locally and Nationally
Burgos- Zimbelman, R. Feeding Strategies for High-Producing Dairy Cows During Periods of Elevated Heat and Humidity
Drackley, J. The Other Side of the Transition: Effects on Colostrum and Calf
Godden, S. Pasteurized Milk and Colostrum Feeding Systems: Capturing the Benefits and Avoiding the Pitfalls
Hutjens, M. Changes in Feeding Dairy Cows During the Last 20 Years and What's Ahead
Johnson, K. Growing and Harvesting High Quality Grasses for Dairy Cattle
Kertz, A. Changes in Feeding Dairy Calves and Heifers During the Past 20 Years and Looking Ahead
Mertens, D. Measurements of Forage Quality
Overton, T. Feeding for Improving Energy Balance
Rodenburg, J. Designing Feeding Systems for Robotic Milkers
Schutz, M. Changes in Standards for Milk Quality and How They Will Affect Your Clients
Townsend, J. Cowside Tests for Monitoring Metabolic Disease
Von Keyserlingk, M. Identifying Transition Cows at Risk and How Best to Manage Them
Bach, A. Raising Dairy Replacements Objectively: The Value of Data-Based On-Farm Decisions
Bolton, K. Economics of Lactating Dairy Cow Grouping Strategies
Croney, C. Animal Welfare, Ethics, and the U.S. Dairy Industry: Maintaining a Social License to Operate
Daniels, K. Dairy Heifer Mammary Development
Erven, B. Motivating the Feeder
Firkins, J. Addition of Sugars to Dairy Rations
Grant, R. Forage Fragility, Fiber Digestibility, and Chewing
Lock, A. Update on Dietary and Management Effects on Milk Fat
McGuffey, K. What Major Ration Changes Occurred in 2009?
Powers, W. Effects of Feeding on Air Quality Measures
Schwab, C. Balancing Diets for Amino Acids: Nutritional,
Environmental, and Financial Implications
Shearer, J. Nutritional and Animal Welfare Implications to Lameness
Ward, R. Molds and Mycotoxins in Feeds Harvested in 2009
Weiss, W. Feeding in Today's Economy
Allen, M. Grouping to Increase Milk Yield and Decrease Feed Costs
Beauchemin, K. New Developments in Understanding Ruminal Acidosis in Dairy Cows
Berger, L. Storing Wet Grain Commodities
Bewley, J. Potential of Using New Technology for Estimating Body Condition Scores
Bucholtz, H. Changes in the Feeding of Dairy Cattle During the Past 36 Years
Buckmaster, D. Optimizing Performance of TMR Mixers
Capper, J. Increased Production Reduces the Dairy Industry's Environmental Impact
Dann, H. Feeding Low Starch Diets
Hartnell, G. Genetically Modified Plants as Animal Feed
Jamison, C. Using Feedstuff Inventory Management and Feeding
Management Software on the Dairy: Concepts and Tasks
Owens, F. Effects of Chemical and Physcial Characteristics of Corn on Starch Digestion
Schutz, M. Implications of Changes in Core Body Temperature
St-Pierre, N. Economic Value of Corn Silage
Weiss, W. Impact and Management of Variability in Feed and Diet Composition
Wolfenson, D. Impact of Heat Stress on Production and Fertility of Dairy Cows
Allen, M. Optimizing Transition Cow Diets
Casper, D. Factors Affecting Feed Efficiency of Dairy Cows
Devries, T. Understanding Cow Behavior from a Nutritional Perspective
Donkin, S. Feeding to Minimize Nutrient Requirements for Maintenance and Increase Milk Production
Goff, J. Transition Cow Immune Function and Interaction with Metabolic Diseases
Grunberg, W. Phosphorus Homeostasis in Dairy Cattle: Some Answers, More Questions
Hoffman, P. The Potential to Limit Feed Dairy Replacement Heifers
James, R. Current Issues with Feeding Preweaned Heifers
Nennich, T. Nutritional and Environmental Management of Phosphorus and Potassium
Pajor, E. What is Affecting Housing Design and Other Management Practices - Economics or Animal Welfare
Santos, J. Nutrition and Reproduction in Dairy Cattle
Shoemaker, D. Factors Associated with Acute Bloat Syndrome in Pre-Weaned Dairy Heifers
St-Pierre, N. Managing Measures of Feed Costs: Benchmarking Physical and Economic Feed Efficiency
Stone, B. Considerations in Feed Bunk Management
Weiss, W. Mineral Tolerances of Animals
Allen, M. Ranking Corn Silage Hybrids
Botheras, N. The Feeding Behavior of Dairy Cows: Considerations to Improve Cow Welfare and Productivity
Bucholtz, H. Use of Urea Nitrogen in Herd Management
Donkin, S. Glycerol as a Feed Ingredient in Dairy Rations
Drackley, J. New Approaches to Feeding Dry Cows
Epperson, W. Copper Sulfate for Footbaths - Issues and Alternatives
Epley, R. Optimizing the Use of Distillers Grains in Rations
Etherton, T. The Future of Biotechnology in the Barnyard
Fox, L. The 5 C's of Calf Raising
Fry, R. Feeding Herds Certified for Organic Milk Production
Garcia, A. Storage of Wet Distillers Grains
Knapp, J. Strategies for Diet Formulation with High Corn Prices